Check the level of the electrolyte in the batteries at least every 200 hours
of operation. If low, fill the battery cells to the bottom of the filler neck with distilled water.
Generator set exercise
Generator sets on continuous standby must be able
to go from a cold start to being fully operational in a
matter of seconds. This can impose a severe burden
on engine parts. However, regular exercising keeps
engine parts lubricated, prevents oxidation of electrical
contacts, uses up fuel before it deteriorates, and, in
general, helps provide reliable engine starting. Exercise
the generator set at least once a month for a minimum
of 30 minutes loaded to no less than one-third of the
nameplate rating. Periods of no-load operation should
be held to a minimum, because unburned fuel tends
to accumulate in the exhaust system. If connecting to
the normal load is not convenient for test purposes, the
best engine performance and longevity will be obtained
by connecting it to a load bank of at least one-third the
nameplate rating.